Table Captains are the heart and soul of our annual fundraising luncheon.

They are dedicated individuals who invite guests to fill a table at the Women Helping Women Fund Tri-Cities Annual Luncheon. Each table guest is asked to contribute a minimum of $100; thanks to the generosity of our underwriters, 100% of luncheon donations directly support programs that benefit women and children. Annually, Table Captains help us fill the luncheon with over 1,000 guests, raising funds to be granted in the following year’s allocation process.

2024 Table Captains

Sherry Armijo

Adelaide Cashman

SaLee Charlesworth

Angela Cook

Alysia Johnson

Anneliese Johnson

Heather Lee

Emily McKee

Heather Michael

Melody Otness

Jessica Parnell

Veronica Quintanilla

Sharon Rhodes

Kathy Spane

Dot Stewart

Anel Suarez

Amanda Torres

Leticia Torres

Tara Wiswall

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